70 year old male with weakness of right upper and lower limbs

Student Name- D.Vineesha Chowdary 

2017 batch

Hall ticket number- 1701006034

This is an online e log book to discuss our patient de-identified health data shared after taking his/her/guardians signed informed consent.

Here we discuss our individual patients problems through series of inputs from available global online community of experts with an aim to solve those patients clinical problem with collective current best evidence based input

This E blog also reflects my patient-centered online learning portfolio and your valuable inputs on the comment box is welcome

I've been given this case to solve in an attempt to understand the topic of "patient clinical data analysis" to develop my competency in reading and comprehending clinical data including history, clinical findings, investigations and come up with diagnosis and treatment plan. 

70 year old male with weakness of right upper and lower limbs

Following is my view of the case:


A 70 yr old man presented to the OPD on 06/06/22 with chief complaints of:

  • Weakness of right upper and lower limb since 3 days.
  • Slurring of speech since 3 days
  • Drooling of saliva since 3 days.

Patient was apparently asymptomatic 3 years ago when he developed sudden onset weakness of right upper and lower limbs, without slurring of speech. After being treated, he then recovered from it. After 2 years (a year ago) he developed a second episode of sudden onset weakness of right upper and lower limbs, that was associated with drooping of mouth, drooling of saliva, slurring of speech. He was again treated for it and recovered completely. He then had a third episode of sudden onset weakness of right upper and lower limbs 4 days ago. He also had drooping of mouth on one side, drooling of saliva, slurring of speech associated with right sided weakness of the limbs. 
No history of involuntary movements, urinary incontinence.
No history of nausea and vomiting. 
No h/o head injury, up rolling of eye balls.


Patient is a k/c/o hypertension since 1 year and is on regular medications (Tab. Atenolol 25mg).
Patient is not a k/c/o diabetes mellitus, TB, epilepsy, asthma.


No history of similar complaints in the family.
No history of DM, TB, Stroke, Asthma, or any other hereditary diseases in the family.


On medication for hypertension (Tab. Atenolol 25mg).


Appetite: Normal
Diet: Mixed
Bowel movements: Regular
Bladder movements: Normal 
Sleep: Adequate
No known allergies
History of alcohol addiction that stopped 5 years ago.
No other addictions.


The patient is examined in a well lit room with informed consent.
The patient is conscious, coherent and cooperative and is well oriented to time, place and person.
He is moderately built and well nourished.
Pallor: Absent
Icterus: Absent
Cyanosis: Absent
Clubbing: Absent 
Lymphadenopathy: Absent 
Edema: Absent 


On 06/06/22 (At the time of admission):
Temperature- Afebrile
Heart Rate- 70 BPM
Blood Pressure- 140/80 mm of Hg
Respiratory rate- 16/min
SPO2- 98% at room air

On 07/06/22:
Temperature- Afebrile
Heart Rate- 80 BPM
Blood Pressure- 130/80 mm of Hg
FBS- 158mg/dl
GRBS- 167mg/dl


CVS SYSTEM: S1,S2 heard
No added thrills, no murmurs

Dyspnea: Absent
Wheeze: Absent
Position of trachea: Central
Breath sounds: Vesicular breath sounds heard
Adventitious sounds: Not heard

Soft, non tender, no organomegaly 

Patient is conscious/alert.
No signs of meningeal irritation
Cranial nerves- NAD
Sensory system- NAD

Motor system- 

                                                   Right                                        Left

Tone-                 UL                 Decreased                                 Normal

                           LL                 Decreased                                 Normal

Power-              UL                  0/5                                              4/5

                           LL                  0/5                                              4/5


Biceps-                                    +++                                             ++

Triceps-                                   +++                                             ++

Supinator-                               +++                                             ++

Knee-                                       +++                                             ++

Ankle-                                      +++                                             ++


Blood group- A+ve


Hb%- 12.6gm/dl
TLC- 8,600 cells/cumm3
RBC- 4.33million cells
Neutrophils- 55%
lymphocytes- 35%
Eosinophils- 03%

Blood Urea- 24mg/dl

Serum creatinine- 1.3mg/dl

Serum electrolytes-

Sodium- 136mEq/L
Potassium- 3.7mEq/L
Chloride- 104mEq/L


Total bilirubin- 0.61mg/dl
Direct bilirubin- 0.16mg/dl
SGPT- 11 units/L
SGOT- 13 units/L
Alkaline phosphate- 105 IU/L
Albumin- 4g/dl
A/G Ratio- 1.71
PT- 2min


CT scan-


MRI scan-

1yr ago-


Acute ischemic stroke causing right sided hemiplegia (left MCA territory)
Recurrent CVA 


Tab Ecospirin 150mg PO OD
Tab Clopidogrel 75mg PO OD
Tab Atorvas 40mg PO HS
Tab Pan 40mg PO OD
Tab Aten 25mg PO OD
Physiotherapy of right upper and lower limbs
Monitoring vitals


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